Access & concierge Service
Virtuoso Hotels & Amenities
book a stay through a Virtuoso travel advisor, you’ll receive:
Preferred rates and availability
Room upgrades (if available)
Breakfast daily for two
$100 Resort Credit
Early check-in and late checkout (if available)
Exclusive amenities and experiences
Hotel bookings are coplimentary
Planning Fees
Custom Travel Planning
Services start at $500 per 7 nights for up to 4 people or a single family to work with a Luxury Travel Advisor. Custom Travel Planning with Groups: Starting from $1000. Services per 7 nights $50 per person/per week thereafter. If you require additional proposal options to compare, $200 per proposal may be assessed.
Book a trip with us, this fee also covers management, booking, and travel support during the trip.
Unlimited VIP Services
Access and Service
VIP annual concierge services are offered for a limited amount of reserve clients booking multiple trips throughout the year. Members have access to intimate retreats, sustainable safari camps, gorgeous beach resorts and so much more. There’s a world of dream stays to discover within our curated collection of more than 1,400 hotels, resorts, lodges, villas, camps, and private islands.